Year: 2015 | Month: December | Volume 5 | Issue 4

Inuence of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Tellicherry Kids Reared under Intensive Goat Farming in Tamil Nadu

DOI:Coming soon...


A study was conducted in sixty numbers of tellicherry kids at a well managed private farm, Chennai in 2014. The factors assessed were sex of the kid, type of birth (single, twin and triplet), age of the doe and weight of the doe at the time of kidding. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS statistical package program (SAS, 1998). Diff erence between two means was evaluated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The overall least squares mean of birth weight and type of birth in Tellicherry goats was 1.95±0.08 and 2.27±0.09 respectively. Our fi ndings revealed that type of birth, sex of the kids and age and weight of the doe exerted a significant effect (P<0.001) on birth weight of kids. It was concluded that farmers should consider the age as well as weight of the dam before breeding for be er birth weight of kids.

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