Year: 2013 | Month: December | Volume 3 | Issue 2

Effect of Feeding Cow Urine Ark and Aloe Vera on Performance and Carcass Traits of Broilers

DOI:Coming soon...

Abstract: <div>A study was carried out to find the effect of feeding Cow urine ark and Aloe vera extract on performance and carcass traits of broilers. For Performance Quality, Body Weight of birds were weighed on weekly basis till 6 weeks of age. Weight gain in different groups of broilers was calculated on weekly basis. Evaluation of Feed Intake was done on the basis of feed offered and left over feed recorded at the end of that week.Feed efficiency ratio (FER) and Performance index (PI) were also calculated.To study the carcass traits, two broilers in each replicate were slaughtered on termination of experiment. For Organ weight percentage various visceral organs like liver, heart gizzard and giblet were weighed.Carcass yield percentage were evaluated by recording dressed weight and eviscerated weight. Aloe vera extract causes significant increase in body weight gain, feed consumption, FER and performance index of broilers.Significant increase was also reported in carcass trait of bird</div>

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