Year: 2017 | Month: April | Volume 7 | Issue 2

Anionic Mishran Supplementation to Check Incidence of Milk Fever

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In the present study, effect of Anionic Mishran supplementation to advance pregnant pleuriparous animals in District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh was assessed. A total of 80 advance pregnant pleuriparous animal were selected. Forty animals were supplemented with Anionic Mishran 100 g/day while 40 animals were kept as control. Information was collected through personnel interview technique about the previous lactation yield of the selected animals and awareness to farmer about Anionic Mishran. After calving, information was also collected about parturition related complications and milk yield. Results indicated that parturition related complications are fairly common in milch animals in the area and none of the farmers was aware about Anionic Mishran. Upon supplementation no issue of palatability was faced either in cattle or buffaloes. Only one incidence of retained placenta and one milk fever was observed in supplemented group while the number was 3 and 4 respectively in control group. Improvement in milk yield was reported by 24 and 18 farmers in supplemented and control group respectively. Thus it may be concluded that Anionic Mishran supplementation reduce the incidence of milk fever in high yielding pleuriparous animals and more demonstration of the technology may be conducted for it’s up scaling and optimal utilization by the farming community.

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