Year: 2017 | Month: December | Volume 7 | Issue 6

Gut Integrity of Neonatal Piglets: A Histomorphological Analysis

DOI:Coming soon...


The present study was undertaken to elaborate histomorphological status of different segments of small intestine of eight apparently healthy Hampshire piglets, irrespective of sex. They were divided into two age groups of 0 day and 7 days, consisting of four animals in each group. After sacrifice at the respective age the different segments of the small intestine were studied for histomorphological structures. The small intestinal wall is composed of four layers viz. tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica musculosa and tunica serosa from inside to outside. The shape, size, length and width of the villi present at the mucosal surface varied in different regions of the small intestine. The Peyer’s patches were composed of four distinct compartments, viz., follicle/lymphatic nodules, a zone of small lymphocytes, an internodular region and the dome area. The Brunner’s glands were present in the tunica sub mucosa layer of duodenum. The collagen fibres were prominent in the basement membrane of the lining epithelium and connective tissue covering the lymphoid nodule. The reticular fibres were recorded in the basement membrane of the lining epithelium, periphery of the intestinal glands and lymphoid nodules. The elastic fibres were found in negligible amount in the different segments of the small intestine except at the inner side of the blood vessels. The nerve fibres were seen mostly in the dome and interfollicular area.

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