Year: 2015 | Month: December | Volume 5 | Issue 4

Evaluation of PPD based ELISA in the Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculos

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541 animals from three dairy farms () were firstly screened for bovine tuberculosis by tuberculin skin testing, out of which 71 (13.12%) animals were found tuberculin reactors. The serum samples of 71 tuberculin positive- 104 tuberculin negative and 363 non tuberculin tested animals were then evaluated by Purified Protein Derivative (PPD)-ELISA. PPD-ELISA yielded 57.74%, 8.65% and 24.24% seropositivity in tuberculin positive, tuberculin negative and non-tuberculin tested animals with an overall seroprevalence of 25.65% among tested sera. The relative sensitivity and specificity of ELISA with tuberculin test was 57.74% and 91.34%, respectively. The use of PPD based ELISA may be suggested in conjugation with tuberculin test for whole herd screening and culling programme especially in anergic state or advanced stages of infection.

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