Year: 2016 | Month: April | Volume 6 | Issue 2

Physiological Responses of Indigenous Sheep under Water Restriction

DOI:Coming soon...


Eighteen farm born indigenous hoggets were selected on the basis of body weight (25-30kg) and randomly divided in to three treatment groups viz. T1 (Control), T2 (WR1:20%WR) and T3 (WR2:40%WR) and each treatment comprised of six animals to evaluate physiological responses. The pulse rate (per min) recorded at 7.30 am significantly (P < 0.05) elevated in 40% WR group as compared to 20 and 0% WR groups whereas respiration rate (per min) and rectal temperature (0F) recorded at 2.30 pm significantly (P < 0.05) elevated when animals were subjected to 40% WR as compared to 20 and 0% WR indicated that the 40% water restriction was more stressful to the animals.

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