Year: 2019 | Month: February | Volume 9 | Issue 1

In-vitro Plasma Protein Binding of Marbofloxacin in Healthy and Disease Condition of Buffalo Calves

DOI:Coming soon...


Marbofloxacin is a broad-spectrum fluoroquinolone antibiotic developed for use in veterinary medicine for the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections in dogs and cats. Plasma protein binding plays a vital role in distribution, elimination and therapeutic effectiveness of drugs. In the present study we evaluated the plasma protein binding of marbofloxacin in healthy and liver dysfunctioned buffalo calves. In vitro binding of marbofloxacin to plasma proteins was determined by employing the equilibrium dialysis technique and further analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography assay. The plasma protein binding for healthy calves ranges between 25.3±0.34% to 30.4±0.40% with an overall binding of 28.66 ± 0.421%. Kinetic constants (βi) and (Kβ) was 2.6±0.12×10-8 mole/g and 1.9±0.08×10-7 mole, respectively. The percentage of plasma protein binding for liver dysfunctioned buffalo calves extended from 24.5 - 30.3% with an overall mean of 28.59 ± 0.693%. The binding capacity of the drug to plasma proteins (βi) and dissociation rate constant of protein drug complex (Kβ) were 2.53±0.13 10-5 mole/g and 1.94±0.09×10-6 mole respectively. There was no significant change observed in plasma protein binding and the kinetic constant of liver dysfunctioned buffalo calves when compared to the healthy group.

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