Year: 2021 | Month: October | Volume 11 | Issue 5

Biochemical and Hormonal Parameters as Prime Markers of Postpartum Anestrum in Murrah Buffaloes

Kalyan U.P.V. Vasantha S.K.I. Nikhil Kumar Tej J. Rambabu Naik


Reproductive and productive performance in buffaloes is greatly affected by post partum anestrus condition. So, the purpose of the present study was designed to determine alteration in blood biochemical and hormonal profile in post-partum anestrous Murrah buffaloes. 10 animals of same age were selected from a local farm at Tanuku, Andra Pradesh, India. Gyneco-clinical examination was done to confirm the condition of anestrum post calving. The anestrum animals had serum cholesterol, total protein and estrogen within the normal range but towards the lower side. However, the progesterone and triglycerides levels are significantly lower than the normal reference values. This indicated that anoestrum is characterized by reduced cholesterol, total protein, triglycerides and progesterone. In conclusion the findings of the present study might help us for better understanding of some aspects related to post partum anestrus buffaloes and thereby improve reproductive management.


  • Evaluation of biochemical and hormonal parameters remains crucial for early detection of postpartum anestrum in buffaloes.
  • Plasma protein and cholesterol are important for synthesis and functioning of pituitary and steroid hormones.
  • Progesterone concentration of below 1.0 ng/ml is indicative of true anestrum.

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