Year: 2022 | Month: October | Volume 12 | Issue 5

Interaction Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Giloy Herb and Ascorbic acid with Different Bedding Materials on Fortnight Body Weight and Gain of Japanese Quail During Growth Period

Narender Kumar Poonia Vijay Kumar Tara Bothra Garima Choudhary


The present experiment was conducted on four hundred thirty two (432) seven day-old Japanese quail chicks for a period of 24 weeks to investigates the effects of supplementation (giloy, ascorbic acid and combination of both) along with different bedding materials (sand, saw dust and wheat straw) on body weight and body weight gain of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Birds were randomly and uniformly distributed in total 12 treatment groups comprising of 36 birds in each group and each group further divided into two replicates comprising 18 birds in each replicate. Highly significant (P<0.01) effect of incorporation of supplements and different bedding material was found on mean body weight and mean body weight gain. The interaction effect of bedding material and supplementation was significant on body weight and body weight gain of earlier age. The highest mean body weight and gain of Japanese quail was found in sand bedding material group. The present studies show that combination of dietary supplements giloy and vitamin- C significantly improves body weight of quail.


  • Supplementation of giloy and ascorbic acid in the diet improves body weight and body weight gain in Japanese quails.
  • The interaction effect of dietary supplementation with bedding material on body weight and body weight gain in Japanese quail were found significant at earlier age.

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