Year: 2024 | Month: February | Volume 14 | Issue 1

Effect of Level of Education of Consumers on Consumption and Processing Pattern, Awareness and Hygienic Considerations for Meat in Ludhiana City of Punjab, India

Sandeep Singh Nitin Mehta Manish Kumar Chatli and Om Prakash Malav


The present study was conducted to study effect of level of education of consumers on consumption pattern, awareness and hygienic practices adopted for meat and its products in Four zones of Ludhiana city through contact survey method. A bilingual (Punjabi and English) questionnaire/interview schedule comprising questions related to meat consumption, processing pattern, awareness of consumers regarding type of meat and hygiene was designed. For survey, the Ludhiana city was divided into four hypothetical zones, namely; Zone I, II, III and IV and a total sample size of 800 respondents (256 females + 544 males) was taken for study. Respondents were further sub-grouped into 4 educational Groups, namely; Secondary, Senior Secondary, Graduation and post-Graduation. Respondents from all the education groups (secondary, senior secondary, graduation and post-graduation) had a higher preference for poultry meat than other categories of meat. A significant effect of education on preference of carcass part was observed. However, irrespective of educational level, a higher preference for poultry leg for consumption was observed. An increase in level of education amongst respondents made them aware of different classes of processed products whereas people with lower educational backgrounds generally preferred the commonest product. The respondents in all education groups (secondary, senior secondary, graduation and post-graduation) were aware regarding the potent environmental hazards by disposal of the untreated slaughter byproducts.


  • It was observed that as the level of education increased, the preference and inclination towards branded outlets increased amongst consumers.
  • The level of education bears direct positive correlation with awareness of consumers regarding meat safety and processing.

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