Pooja' s Articles

Impact of Micro Finance on Household Expenditure Pattern of Rural Women Borrowers: An Empirical Analysis 10.30954/2249-6637.02.2020.1
Price Volatility and Transmission: A case study of paddy and redgram markets in Karnataka 10.46852/0424-2513.2.2022.23
Gastrointestinal Nematode Population with Multiple Anthelmintic Resistances in Unorganized Sheep Farms from the Semi-arid Zone of Haryana 10.30954/2277-940X.03.2023.22
Mange Infestation and its Successful Treatment in Rabbits 10.30954/2277-940X.04.2023.6

@ Journal of Animal Research | In Association with Association of Mastitis

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