Year: 2016 | Month: April | Volume 6 | Issue 2

Influence of Prepartum Injection of Vitamin E and Se on Postpartum Reproductive and Lactation Performance of Dairy Cattle

DOI:Coming soon...


The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of vitamin E and Selenium given prepartum on reproductive and lactation performance of dairy cattle. Twenty pregnant animals in their last trimester were randomly divided into two groups. Group I animals were kept as control and Group II animals were given two injections of vitamin E and selenium 7 days apart. First injection was given 30-60 days before the expected calving. The placental expulsion period and involution period was significant higher in Group I compare to Group II animals and there was a nonsignificant increase in clostrum production, lactational yield, lactational length and mean calf birth weight of Group II animals.

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