Current Issue's

Combatting Peste des Petits Ruminants: Vaccines and Future Hopes
Effect of Age and Breed on Worm Burden in Indian Caprines More

About the Journal

The Journal of Animal Research,is an official organ of the Association of Mastitis, House No. 24/A, Shatabdipuram, Phase-I, Gird, Gwalior, M.P.,is a double blind peer review Journal which is published Six Issues in Print and Electronic form accepts exceptionally exciting, novel and timely communications presenting new and original research work for publication keeping in mind the all round welfare of domestic animals including poultry, companion animals, wild animals and experimental models in lab animals. The Journal of Animal Research will publish the research, reviews, short communication and proceedings of symposia of National and International relevance subject to the final decision of Editor in Chief.
National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS) Rating: 4.78
Journal of Animal Research is a Peer-Reviewed Journal
All the authors are requested to check the originality of their articles before submitting it to JOURNAL OF ANIMAL RESEARCH. In case, any article is found to be Duplicate submission, fabricated data, cut and paste (Plagiarised), at ANY STAGE of processing of your article, the following actions will be taken:
Rejection of the article
If the conduct is found to be grossly unacceptable i.e. submission of duplicate articles, the author will be blacklisted in JOURNAL OF ANIMAL RESEARCH 
Letter of conduct will be posted to the Head/Director of the department from where the study was conducted.
List of blacklisted authors will be shared amongst the Chief Editors of other Indian Journals

Aim and Scope

The task of the Journal is to attract the papers on original research articles, short communication and peer reviewed articles from an individuals and organizations of International repute dedicated to animal science, and veterinary science and education.
Articles published in the Journal of Animal Research cover a broad range of explorative topics in all subjects of veterinary and animal sciences including animal production, reproduction, growth and Health aspects of domestic animals. This includes veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, veterinary gynaecology and obstetrics, animal genetics and breeding, animal nutrition, veterinary physiology and biochemistry, veterinary parasitology, veterinary microbiology, veterinary pathology, veterinary pharmacology and toxicology, livestock product and technology, livestock production and management, veterinary public health and hygiene, veterinary anatomy, poultry science, laboratory animals and wild animals. The journal is also focused on research and management of laboratory animals (e.g. rat, mice, rabbit, guinea pig etc.) and wild animals. However, basic types of papers and notes which relate to investigations in a narrow specialized branch of a discipline may not form an appropriate material for this journal.



@ Journal of Animal Research | In Association with Association of Mastitis

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