Year: 2018 | Month: August | Volume 8 | Issue 4

A Study on Occurrence of Aspiculuris tetraptera Infection and Mortality in Mice

DOI:Coming soon...


Aspeculuris tetraptera is a pinworm of laboratory and wild rodents. Mice colonies transported from Bombay to Nagpur, showed stress with sudden mortalities of 25 (20%) mice out of total 125, without any further clinical signs. All animals were subjected for to the fecal examination and revealed pinworm infection. It was diagnosed by presence of ellipsoid eggs in the faecal matter of rodents. However, infestation was characterized by rectal prolapse, intestinal impaction, and mucoid enteritis. Intestinal samples especially ceacum and colon were taken out after post-mortem and washed thoroughly with salt water, then the intestines kept in new clean petri plates so as to allow the worms to come out in water in petri plate. After about half an hour, the small worms were collected and were kept in 70% ethanol and later vital statistics was performed. The males worms were 2 mm to 3 mm long and 110 μ to 200 μ wide, with a short conical tail that is 110 μ to 149 μ long. Both spicule and gubernaculum were absent. The females were 3 mm to 5 mm long and 205 μ to 255 μ wide, with a conical tail that is 395 μ to 557 μ long. The eggs are symmetrically ellipsoidal and 70 μ to 100 μ long by 25 μ to 40 μ wide. Control is recommended to remove parasitic eggs from the environment through adequate hygiene to prevent the spread of new infestation.

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