Year: 2023 | Month: August | Volume 13 | Issue 4

Mange Infestation and its Successful Treatment in Rabbits

Vaibhav Bhardwaj Sonu Hardeep Kalkal Pooja


Twenty two pet rabbits were brought to the VCC, IIVER, Rohtak with the history of itching, alopecia and inappetance during one year of course. Out of 22 animals, 14 were males and 8 were females between 6-18 months of age group. Upon clinical examination it was observed that the rabbits had pruritus, alopecia, hyperkeratosis and crust on both ears, face, limbs and back region of body. Mite infestation in all the cases diagnosed by skin scrapping. On microscopic examination, Sarcoptes species in 20 cases and Demodex species in 2 cases were observed. Treatment course includes chlorpheniramine maleate, enrofloxacin, ascorbic acid, multivitamin and ivermectin. Gross lesions faded out within 15 days and all animals shows uneventful recovery in 45 days of therapy.


  • Mange infestation common in rabbits.
  • Pruritus, alopecia and cachexia are common findings.
  • Secondary bacterial infections may occur.

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