Year: 2023 | Month: August | Volume 13 | Issue 4

Exploring Ethno-veterinary Practices for Livestock Diseases: A Survey-Based Approach

N. Venkata Krishna1* Y. Pradeep Kumar Reddy P. Pandu Ranga Reddy M.V. Dharma Rao K. Naveena A. Guru Manoj


The current study explores the ethno-veterinary practices adopted by rural farmers and examined their socio-dynamic profile. A total of 183 plant species belonging to 158 genera and 70 families were identified. Among these, 165 were dicotyledons, 17 species belonged to monocotyledons, and one was classified as a pteridophyte. Within the studied plant families, Euphorbiaceae had the highest representation with 14 species (7.65%), followed by Fabaceae with 12 species (6.56%). Apocynaceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae, and Solanaceae each had 7 species (3.82%). Asclepiadaceae, Asteraceae, Liliaceae, and Mimosaceae had equal representation with 6 species each, accounting for 3.28% of the total species. Annonaceae and Rutaceae exhibited the lowest representation among the families, each consisting of 5 species, representing 2.73% of the total. The plant habit encompasses various categories, including climber, shrub, tree, herb, and lian. A diverse range of plant parts were utilized, such as aerial parts, leaves, bulb, clove, corn, flower, fruit, latex, leaves, oil, pod, pulp, rhizome, root, root bark, seed, steam, steam bark, tender shoot, tuber, and whole plant. Trees ranked as the most frequently utilized species, followed by herbs, shrubs, and climbers. Out of the respondents engaged in the practices, males were 325 while females were 480 with a percent of 40.37 and 59.63, respectively. The age groups with highest perception of ethno-veterinary practices were 61-70 years followed by 31-40 years and 51-60 years age group. Further most of the positive respondents were with primary education followed by medium education and illiterates.


  • Euphorbiaceae and Fabaceae were among the mostly used families in ethno-veterinary medicine.
  • Ethno-veterinary practices predominantly relied on the utilization of trees and leaves.

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