Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume 13 | Issue 3

Postnatal Gross Anatomical Development of Liver in Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus)

S. Rajathi Geetha Ramesh T.A. Kannan K. Raja S. Muthukrishnan


The present study was undertaken to access the gross anatomy of the liver in guinea pigs of four postnatal age groups. Hepatopancreatic organs were collected from the guinea pigs received from department of Laboratory Animal Medicine,
Chennai. Gross anatomical observations were recorded. The liver in guinea pig was the largest gland in the body and was found
on the right side of the cranial and middle part of the abdominal cavity. The liver was related to the gall bladder, diaphragm,
stomach, intestines and lesser omentum in all the postnatal groups studied. In preweaning guinea pig, the colour was dark
reddish brown whereas in animals from 2-8 weeks to 16-32 weeks of age, it was pale, reddish brown. The liver showed six lobes
namely the right lateral lobe, the right medial lobe, quadrate lobe, left medial lobe, left lateral lobe and caudate lobe. The caudate
lobe had two parts namely caudate process and papillary process. In all the age groups, the liver showed two surfaces namely
parietal and visceral surface. The hilus or portal fissure of the liver was noticed in the transverse groove formed between the
dorsal and ventral parts on the visceral surface. Four borders were observed viz., dorsal border, ventral border, right border and
left border. The liver showed six ligaments namely falciform ligament, coronary ligament, round ligament, triangular ligament,
hepatorenal ligament and hepatogastric ligament.


  • The liver of preweaning guinea pig was found in the cranial part of the abdomical cavity but in adult on the right side of the cranial and middle abdomen.
  • The liver showed six lobes, two surfaces, four borders and six ligaments.
  • Hilus was found in the transverse groove between the dorsal and ventral parts on the visceral surface.

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